Monday, February 18, 2013

New things: Victoria edition.

I'm also really sorry for the resolution.  All I have is a crappy phone camera for all this stuff.  I promise once I have access to a scanner I'll do it up right.

I joined an art meetup group, which is what started me into sketching again.

So I decided to try out watercolours.  I'm making a film in the coming months, and I'd like to be able to hand paint my backgrounds, just like back in the day!  Here are some attempts. I think I still have a long way to go.

There is live music almost every night at the hostel I'm living in, which makes for some very exciting, energetic models.

I've also just started drawing some of my friendly dorm-mates who were kind enough to pose for me.

This last one is of a German gentleman named Sebastian, a very talented artist himself.  Check out all his work.

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